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2005-3-1 陕西省发改委

             第一章 总则

  第一条 为扩大对外开放,推进招商引资,规范对外商投资项目的核准管理,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、国家发展和改革委员会《外商投资项目核准暂行管理办法》、《陕西省人民政府贯彻“国务院关于投资体制改革的决定”的实施意见》、《陕西省企业投资项目核准暂行办法》等有关法律法规,特制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法适用于在我省的中外合资、中外合作、外商独资、外商购并省内企业、外商投资企业增资等各类外商投资项目的核准。

             第二章 核准机关及权限

  第三条 外商投资项目核准实行国务院投资主管部门、省政府投资主管部门和市政府投资主管部门三级核准管理制度。其中,省政府投资主管部门核准的项目,由省发展和改革委员会核准。

  第四条 按照《外商投资产业指导目录》和《中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录》分类,总投资1000万美元(含)—1亿美元(不含)的鼓励类、允许类项目和总投资5000万美元以下的限制类项目,由省发展改革委核准;总投资1000万美元以下的鼓励类、允许类项目由市级投资主管部门核准。限制类项目由市级投资主管部门审核后报省发展改革委核准。


             第三章 项目申请报告

  第五条 申请核准的外商投资项目应编制项目申请报告。项目申请报告包括以下内容:








  第六条 项目申请报告应附以下文件:






  (六)国土资源部门出具的项目用地预审意见书;   (七)以国有资产或土地使用权出资的,需由有关主管部门出具的确认文件。

               第四章 核准程序

  第七条 外商投资项目按核准权限,属于省发展改革委核准的,项目申请人向所在地市级发展改革部门或省级行业主管部门提出项目申请报告,经市级或省级行业主管部门审核后报省发展改革委核准。属于国家发展改革委和国务院核准的项目,项目申请人按程序向省发展改革委提出申请报告,经省发展改革委审核后报国家发展改革委核准。

  第八条 省发展改革委核准项目报告时,需要征求省行业主管部门意见的,应向省行业主管部门出具征求意见函并附相关材料,省行业主管部门接到省发展改革委征求意见函和相关材料后,7个工作日内向省发展改革委提出书面意见。

  第九条 省发展改革委在受理项目申请报告时,应在5个工作日内对需要进行评估论证的项目委托有资质的咨询机构进行评估论证。接受委托的咨询机构应在规定的时间内向省发展改革委提出评估报告。

  第十条 省发展改革委自受理项目申请报告之日起20个工作日内,完成对项目申请报告的核准或向国家发展改革委报送审核意见。如20个工作日内不能做出核准决定或报送审核意见的,由省发展改革委负责人批准延长10个工作日,并将延期理由告知项目申请人。


  第十一条 省发展改革委对核准的项目出具书面核准文件,有条件的可上网公布,接受社会监督;对不予核准的项目应以书面决定通知项目申请人,说明理由,并告知项目申请人享有行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。

             第五章 核准条件及效力

  第十二条 省发展改革委对项目申请报告的核准条件是:








  第十三条 经核准的外商投资项目,项目申请人凭核准文件,依法办理土地使用、城建规划、质量监管、安全生产、资源利用、企业设立(变更)、资本项目管理、设备进口及其它适用税收政策等方面手续。

  第十四条 省发展改革委核准的项目应规定核准文件有效期,核准文件有效期自核准之日起计算,最长不得超过两年。超过核准时限仍需办理第十三条所列相关手续的,项目申请人应向原核准机关申请延期。

  第十五条 已经核准的外商投资项目,虽然没有超过核准文件有效期,但如出现下列情况之一的,需向原核准机关申请变更核准:







  第十六条 未经核准的外商投资项目,土地、规划、质量监管、安全生产监管、工商、海关、税务、外汇管理等部门不得办理相关手续。

  第十七条 项目申请人以拆分项目或提供虚假材料等不正当手段取得项目核准文件的,核准机关有权撤销对该项目的核准文件。

  第十八条 经核准的外商投资项目,省发展改革委可以对项目执行情况进行监督检查,并对查实问题依法进行处理。项目单位应定期向省发展改革委报送项目建设情况。

               第六章 附 则

  第十九条 为及时掌握核准项目信息,市级核准的总投资1000万美元以下外商投资项目,由市级发展改革部门在项目核准之日起20个工作日内,将项目核准文件抄报省发展改革委。

  第二十条 在陕西省境内的国家计划单列企业集团和中央管理企业向国家发展改革委提交项目申请核准报告时,应同时抄送省发展改革委。

  第二十一条 本办法由省发展和改革委员会负责解释。

  第二十二条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的投资者在祖国大陆举办的投资项目,参照本办法执行。

  第二十三条 外商投资项目的核准权限,如与《陕西省政府核准的投资项目目录》有抵触的,按《陕西省政府核准的投资项目目录》规定的核准权限执行。

  第二十四条 本办法自2005年2月18日起施行,本办法发布后,此前有关外商投资项目审批的规定,凡与本办法有抵触的,均按本办法执行。





第一条 为实施《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,严格控制向海洋倾倒废弃物,防止对海洋环境的污染损害,保持生态平衡,保护海洋资源,促进海洋事业的发展,特制定本条例。
第二条 本条例中的“倾倒”,是指利用船舶、航空器、平台及其他载运工具,向海洋处置废弃物和其他物质;向海洋弃置船舶、航空器、平台和其他海上人工构造物,以及向海洋处置由于海底矿物资源的勘探开发及与勘探开发相关的海上加工所产生的废弃物和其他物质。
第三条 本条例适用于:
第四条 海洋倾倒废弃物的主管部门是中华人民共和国国家海洋局及其派出机构(简称“主管部门”,下同)。
第五条 海洋倾倒区由主管部门商同有关部门,按科学、合理、安全和经济的原则划出,报国务院批准确定。
第六条 需要向海洋倾倒废弃物的单位,应事先向主管部门提出申请,按规定的格式填报倾倒废弃物申请书,并附报废弃物特性和成分检验单。
第七条 外国的废弃物不得运至中华人民共和国管辖海域进行倾倒,包括弃置船舶、航空器、平台和其他海上人工构造物。违者,主管部门可责令其限期治理,支付清除污染费,赔偿损失,并处以罚款。
第八条 为倾倒的目的,经过中华人民共和国管辖海域运送废弃物的任何船舶及其他载运工具,应当在进入中华人民共和国管辖海域十五天之前,通报主管部门,同时报告进入中华人民共和国管辖海域的时间、航线、以及废弃物的名称、数量及成分。
第九条 外国籍船舶、平台在中华人民共和国管辖海域,由于海底矿物资源的勘探开发及与勘探开发相关的海上加工所产生的废弃物和其他物质需要向海洋倾倒的,应按规定程序报经主管部门批准。
第十条 倾倒许可证应注明倾倒单位、有效期限和废弃物的数量、种类、倾倒方法等事项。
第十一条 废弃物根据其毒性、有害物质含量和对海洋环境的影响等因素,分为三类。其分类标准,由主管部门制定。主管部门可根据海洋生态环境的变化,科学技术的发展,以及海洋环境保护的需要,对附件进行修订。
第十二条 获准向海洋倾倒废弃物的单位在废弃物装载时,应通知主管部门予以核实。
第十三条 主管部门应对海洋倾倒活动进行监视和监督,必要时可派员随航。倾倒单位应为随航公务人员提供方便。
第十四条 获准向海洋倾倒废弃物单位,应当按许可证注明的期限和条件,到指定的区域进行倾倒,如实地详细填写倾倒情况记录表,并按许可证注明的要求,将记录表报送主管部门。倾倒废弃物的船舶、航空器、平台和其他载运工具应有明显标志和信号,并在航行日志上详细记录倾
第十五条 倾倒废弃物的船舶、航空器、平台和其他载运工具,凡属《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》第四十三条规定的情形,可免于承担赔偿责任。
第十六条 主管部门对海洋倾倒区应定期进行监测,加强管理,避免对渔业资源和其他海上活动造成有害影响。当发现倾倒区不宜继续倾倒时,主管部门可决定予以封闭。
第十七条 对违反本条例,造成海洋环境污染损害的,主管部门可责令其限期治理,支付清除污染费,向受害方赔偿由此所造成的损失,并视情节轻重和污染损害的程度,处以警告或人币十万元以下的罚款。
第十八条 要求赔偿损失的单位和个人,应尽快向主管部门提出污染损害索赔报告书。报告书应包括:受污染损害的时间、地点、范围、对象、损失清单,技术鉴定和公证证明,并尽可能提供有关原始单据和照片等。
第十九条 受托清除污染的单位在作业结束后,应尽快向主管部门提交索取清除污染费用报告书。报告书应包括:清除污染的时间、地点,投入的人力、机具、船只,清除材料的数量、单价、计算方法,组织清除的管理费、交通费及其他有关费用,清除效果及其情况,其他有关证据和证明材料。
第二十条 对违法行为的处罚标准如下:
第二十一条 对违反本条例,造成或可能造成海洋环境污染损害的直接责任人,主管部门可处以警告或者罚款,也可以并处。
第二十二条 当事人对主管部门的处罚决定不服的,可以在收到处罚通知书之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉;期满不起诉又不履行处罚决定的,由主管部门申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十三条 对违反本条例,造成海洋环境污染损害的行为,主动检举、揭发,积极提供证据,或采取有效措施减少污染损害有成绩的个人,应给予表扬或奖励。
第二十四条 本条例自一九八五年四月一日起施行。




Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on March 6, 1985)
Article 1
These Regulations are specially formulated for the implementation of the
"Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" in
order to keep a tight control over the dumping of wastes into the ocean so
as to prevent pollution damage to marine environment, keep the ecological
balance, protect marine resources, and promote the development of ocean
Article 2
The term "dumping" as used in these Regulations refers to discharging
wastes and other substances into the ocean by means of vessels, aircraft,
platforms and other means of transportation. It also refers to discharge
of vessels, aircraft, platforms and other man-made structures used on the
sea. In addition, it also refers to the discharge of wastes and other
substances caused by the submarine exploration and exploitation of mineral
resources and the related maritime processing.
"Dumping" does not include the drainage from the vessels, aircraft, and
other means of transportation and equipment working under normal
Article 3
These Regulations are applicable to the following:
1. dumping wastes and other substances into the inland sea, territorial
sea, continental shelves and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the
People's Republic of China;
2. loading wastes and other substances on land or at harbours of the
People's Republic of China for the purpose of dumping;
3. the transport of wastes and other substances through the inland sea,
territorial sea and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's
Republic of China for the purpose of dumping;
4. burning wastes and other substances within the sea areas under the
jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China;
The wastes produced in the process of offshore oil exploration and
exploitation shall be dealt with according to the Regulations of the
People's Republic of China on Administration of Environmental Protection
in the Exploration and Development of Offshore Petroleum.
Article 4
The competent departments responsible for matters concerning the dumping
of wastes are the National Oceanographic Bureau and its agencies
(hereinafter referred to as "the competent department").
Article 5
The areas for dumping shall be designated by the competent department
through consultation with relevant departments in accordance with the
principles of being scientific, rational, safe and economical and shall be
submitted to the State Council for approval.
Article 6
Units that need to dump wastes into the ocean shall apply for permission
to the competent department, and fill out according to set formula the
application forms for dumping wastes together with an examination report
on the characteristics and components of the wastes.
The competent department shall process the application within 2 months of
receipt of the application and a dumping permit shall be granted to those
approved to dump. No units, vessels, aircraft, platforms and other means
of transportation are permitted to dump wastes into the ocean without the
approval of the competent department.
Article 7
Wastes of foreign countries may by no means be brought to the sea areas
under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China for dumping;
these include vessels, aircraft, platforms and other man-made structure
used on the sea. Those who violate these Regulations shall be ordered to
clean the sea area within a limited time, pay for the elimination of
pollutants and compensation for losses thus incurred and be fined by the
competent department. Those who dump wastes outside the sea areas of the
People's Republic of China and cause pollution damage to the sea areas
under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall be dealt
with according to Article 17 of these Regulations.
Article 8
Vessels or other means of transportation that carry wastes through the sea
areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China for dumping
purposes must inform the competent department of China 15 days before the
vessels enter the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's
Republic of China.
They are also required to report the time of entry, routes, names of waste
matters, quantities and components.
Article 9
Foreign vessels and platforms in the sea areas of under the jurisdiction
of the People's Republic of China that need to dump wastes produced in the
process of offshore exploration and exploitation of mineral resources and
the related maritime processing shall get permission from the competent
department according to the stipulated procedures.
Article 10
The dumping permit shall indicate dumping units, period of validity,
quantity, the types of wastes and the method for dumping.
The issuing of certificates shall be kept under strict control according
to the relevant provisions of these Regulations. The competent department
may change or withdraw certificates in accordance with the changes in
ecological environment and the development in science and technology.
Article 11
Waste matters fall into three categories in the light of their toxicity,
content of harmful elements and the impact upon the marine environment.
The criteria used for categorization shall be worked out as annex by the
competent department and subject to amendment in the light of changes in
ecological environment, the development in science and technology and the
need in protecting the marine environment.
1. The dumping of wastes and other substances as listed in Annex I is
prohibited. In times of emergency, when wastes cannot be disposed of on
land because of its impact upon human health, emergency permits shall be
issued with the approval of the National Oceanographic Bureau to dump
wastes in prescribed ways and designated areas.
2. The dumping of wastes as listed in Annex II shall require special
permits in advance.
3. The dumping of wastes of low or no toxicity other than those listed in
Annex I and Annex II shall require ordinary permits in advance.
Article 12
Units which have already obtained permission to dump wastes shall notify
the competent department for verification before loading the waste.
The work of verification shall be conducted according to the items in the
permit. If the cargo is found not in conformity with the contents in the
permit, the competent department shall order the loading to be stopped
and, in serious cases, suspend or revoke the dumping permit.
The superintendency of the departure harbour or that of the nearest
harbour shall be notified for verification of the dumping of wastes by
vessels. If the cargo is found not in conformity with the contents in the
permit, the harbour superintendency administration shall not grant the
exit visa and shall immediately notify the competent department.
Article 13
The competent department shall monitor and supervise the dumping
activities. If need be, it may also send agents to supervise on board. The
dumping units shall offer facilitation for these functionaries.
Article 14
Those units with permission to discharge wastes shall carry out dumping in
the designated areas, within the time limits and on the terms specified in
the permit. They are required to fill out every detail of the discharge
into record forms and submit the forms to the competent department
following the instructions in the permit. Those vessels, aircraft,
platforms and other means of transportation shall bear conspicuous marks
and signals and make detailed entries in the Logbook of the waste dumping
Article 15
The vessels, aircraft, platforms and other means of transportation engaged
in dumping activities may, under any of the circumstances as specified in
Article 43 of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's
Republic of China, be exempt from bearing responsibilities for
For emergency or rescue purposes, vessels shall try to avoid or reduce
pollution damage when dumping wastes into ocean with no regard to terms
and areas as specified in the permit and report to the competent
department as soon as possible. The waste pumping unit and beneficiaries
of the emergency or rescue act shall make compensation for the pollution
If the pollution damage is due to the fault of a third party, the waste
dumping unit shall provide the competent department with irrefutable
evidence. The third party shall bear the responsibility for compensation
upon confirmation by the competent department. When vessels, aircraft,
platforms and other means of transportation navigating or operating on the
sea are abandoned for irresistible reasons, their owners shall report to
the competent department and the nearby harbour superintendency
administrations, and shall carry out at once the work of salvaging and
Article 16
The competent department shall conduct regular monitoring and testing in
the dumping areas, strengthen administration and avoid harmful effect on
fishery resources and other activities on the sea. The competent
departments may close any area when finding it no longer suitable for
waste dumping.
Article 17
Those who, in violation of these Regulations, cause pollution damage to
the marine environment may be ordered by the competent department to clean
up, pay the cost of eliminating the pollutants and compensate for the
victims' losses. A warning or a fine up to 100,000 RMB yuan shall be
imposed according to different situations and the graveness of harm done
by the waste dumping.
Article 18
Units and individuals demanding compensation shall submit a report of
pollution damage claim to the competent department as soon as possible.
The report shall include the time, place, area, object of the damage, list
of losses, technical authentication, and notarization. Relevant original
documents and photos shall be of help.
Article 19
Units entrusted with the job to eliminate pollutants shall, upon
completion of the job, submit a report of claim to the competent
department as soon as possible on expenses on eliminating pollution. The
report shall include time, place, manpower involved, equipment, vessels,
quantity of materials, unit price, methods of calculation, management fee,
transportation fee, other relevant expenses, result, other relevant
evidence and supporting materials.
Article 20
Standards for penalties on law breaking acts:
1. Anyone involved in one of the following acts shall be warned or fined
2,000 RMB yuan or less:
(1) forging inspection reports on wastes;
(2) failure to make waste dumping records according to Article 14 of these
(3) failure to report to the competent department and harbour
superintendency administrations in time under the situation defined in
Article 15 of these Regulations.
2. If the actual cargo does not conform
to the contents in the dumping permit and the case is serious, apart from
suspension or revoking of the permit, a fine ranging from 2,000 to 5,000
RMB yuan may be imposed.
3. Those who dump wastes without informing the competent department for
verification in accordance with Article 12 of these Regulations may be
fined from 5,000 to 20,000 RMB yuan.
4. A fine of 20,000 to 100,000 RMB yuan may be imposed for any of the
following acts:
(1) dumping wastes into the ocean without permission;
(2) failure to dump wastes according to the approved terms and in the
designated areas, excluding circumstances specified in Article 15 of these
Article 21
Those directly responsible for violation of these Regulations which has
caused or is likely to cause pollution damage to the environment may be
given a warning or a fine, or both, by the competent department.
Those directly responsible for violation of these Regulations which has
caused damage to marine environment resulting in serious property losses
or personal injuries and deaths, shall be dealt with by judicial organs
for their legal liabilities.
Article 22
The party concerned that does not accept the penalty imposed by the
competent department may bring a suit before the people's court within 15
days of receipt of the written decision on the penalty. If no suit is
filed, nor has the decision been carried out upon the expiration of that
period, the competent department shall petition the people's court to
enforce the decision in accordance with the law.
Article 23
Those who, on their own initiative, expose, report on and provide
evidences against acts that have violated these Regulations and caused
pollution damage to marine environment, or who have done meritorious deeds
by taking effective measures to reduce pollution damage shall be commended
or awarded.
Article 24
These Regulations shall come into force on April 1, 1985.

Annex I Substances Forbidden to be Dumped
1. Wastes containing halogen element and its compounds, chemical compounds
mercury, mercury compound, cadmium and cadmium compounds are forbidden;
but negligible content or that which soon changes into harmless substance
in the sea water are excluded.
2. Wastes with strong radioactivity and other substances that are strongly
radio active.
3. Crude oil and oil waste, refined oil products, residual oil and such
oil mixtures.
4. Fishing net, ropes, plastic products and other artificial synthesis
which can float on the surface or suspend in the water; and thus seriously
affect navigation, fishing and other activities endanger the ocean life.
5. Sewer mud and dredged stuff containing substances as listed in 1 and 2
of this Annex.

Annex II Substances to be Dumped only with Special Permits
1. Wastes that have a high content of the following substances:
(1) arsenic and its chemical compounds;
(2) lead and its chemical compounds;
(3) copper and its chemical compounds;
(4) zinc and its chemical compounds;
(5) chemical compounds of organic silicon;
(6) cyanides;
(7) fluorine chemicals;
(8) beryllium, chromium, nickel, vanadium and their chemical compounds;
(9) pesticides and their by-products which are not listed in Annex I,
excluding those which are harmless or can soon dissolve into harmless
substances in the sea.
2. Wastes that contain weak radioactive matters.
3. Containers, waste metals and other heavy waste materials that will
easily sink to the bottom of the sea and might seriously hinder fishing or
4. Sewer mud and dredged stuff containing substances listed in 1 and 2 of
this Annex.